9 Facts About NFTs That Everyone Should Be Aware Of

6 min readMar 6, 2022


We’re going to dispel the myths and get to the heart of a technology that has the potential to change everything.

NFTs, or Non-Fungible Tokens, are popular in both the crypto and mainstream worlds these days. Celebrities purchase, collect, and sell them. What’s all the fuss about them? What’s the big deal if preteens are making a fortune off of them?

An NFT can represent a monetary value, digital asset and act as a digital certificate of ownership over it. As a non-fungible blockchain entity, it represents the rarity, uniqueness, and authenticity of an asset.

So, here’s everything you need to know about these burgeoning cryptocurrency items.

1. NFTs are scarce and one-of-a-kind.

An NFT represents a one-of-a-kind item that no one else can duplicate. Consider the distinction between a painting of the Mona Lisa and a photograph of that painting. Or a regular baseball card and an autographed baseball card of the same athlete. As a result, NFTs are generally in short supply. Fungible crypto-assets, such as ETH, or MATIC, on the other hand, are typically in plentiful supply.

2. There are various types of NFT standards.

NFT standards are the underlying principles that describe how NFTs work on a specific blockchain protocol. ERC-721 was the underlying benchmark for all NFTs when they first appeared, and it is still the most popular NFT standard today. However, additional standards are now used for a variety of purposes.

Ethereum, for example, has ERC-998, ERC-1155, and ERC-3664 standards.

  • ERC-998: ERC-998 tokens can be combined to form complex digital assets. As a single entity, they can be valued, traded, or sold.
  • ERC-1155: Users can register NFTs and fungible tokens in the same smart contract using ERC-1155.
  • ERC-3664: ERC-3664 tokens are modular and can be combined, disassembled, or reassembled in an infinite number of ways.

3. NFTs can be found on almost every blockchain.

Although many people believe that Ethereum is the only NFT-friendly blockchain, this is not the case. NFTs are supported by nearly every blockchain, and some are even designed specifically for digital collectibles and games. Flow, Tezos, Polygon, Solana, Avalanche, Binance Smart Chain, WAX, Waves, and Tron are examples of blockchains that support NFTs.

4. NFTs are not inherently harmful to the environment, but the underlying blockchain can be.

Despite the fact that they save a significant amount of trees by not using paper, NFTs are not the most environmentally friendly thing in the world. This is primarily due to the fact that their underlying blockchain may still require a significant amount of energy to operate. Fortunately, the crypto community is hard at work developing a solution, and new protocols emerge on a daily basis.

5 . NFTs are not always jpeg files.

NFTs have grown in popularity as digital art collectibles, but they can also be used for a variety of other purposes. They can denote ownership of a music file, a trading card, a utility item, an identity card, or an access key.

They can represent in-game items such as avatars, skins, or swords in video games, which players can use, buy, or sell. They are critical in the creation of virtual worlds in the metaverse, where people will spend more time in the future. Importantly, on platforms such as The Sandbox and WorldWideWebb, NFTs represent land plots.

6. NFTs are capable of interoperability.

Interoperability is the ability of disparate systems and entities to seamlessly interface, and it is one of the lauded characteristics of NFTs. NFTs are typically useful in one product but can also be used in others.

Digital ownership can be transferred from one context to another because it exists on a blockchain. Projects can use NFTs owned by others in this manner to provide the NFT owner with some sort of benefit in the project.

7. NFTs can also be purchased for $1; they do not have to be worth $1 million.

Although the mainstream media focuses on NFT sales that generate millions of dollars, the prices of NFTs can vary. Yes, they can be worth millions of dollars, particularly in crypto art, but they can also be very inexpensive.

Many factors contribute to the price difference, including the utility and quality of the project, data size, gas fees, transaction speed, and so on. Having said that, the overall cost of an NFT is usually determined by its scarcity. The law of scarcity can cause prices to skyrocket.

8. You keep NFTs in your crypto wallet, which requires private keys.

NFTs, like bitcoin, ether, and other cryptocurrencies, are stored in your cryptocurrency wallet. And, just like with these fungible tokens, you’ll need private keys to do anything with your NFTs.

A private key is used to sign transactions and decrypt data, as well as to secure your crypto wallet. This key must always be kept secret; otherwise, third parties may gain access to your assets.

9. The NFT metadata is typically stored on the blockchain, while the visual data is frequently stored in IPFS.

Except for its metadata in the form of a JSON document, an NFT contains very little data. This information typically consists of the NFT’s name, description, traits, and a link to the hosted image. To put it another way, the actual artwork is still one link away. The DappRadar Portfolio Tracker tool allows you to examine the metadata of your NFTs.

However, there is an issue with links. When the visual data of the NFT you purchased is stored on a centralised server, the connection to it can easily fail. This can occur if the company hosting the server closes down or moves to a different domain.

As a result, many NFT developers are turning to the IPFS (InterPlanetary File System). Rather than identifying a file at a specific domain, this system allows you to locate a piece of content if it is hosted somewhere on the IPFS network. Multiple hosts (rather than just one domain owner) ensure that these files remain online. IPFS also gives the buyer control by allowing them to pay to keep the file online as long as they remember to pay the hosting bill.

In Summary

It is clear that NFTs are more than a passing fad and are here to stay. And there are numerous reasons for this. They’re a great source of income, open up new opportunities for digital artists, and change the way video games are played, to name a few benefits. Now that you understand the fundamentals, you can delve deeper and reap all of the benefits for yourself.

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